Wednesday, December 21

learn to unlearn

we learn at school that's it's quite okay to cheat. no one will hang you to die if you do.
we learn from young age that students whose parents are actively involved in the school committee got all the perks. and they could even got better marks than they actually made. we learn that they can have better spots at school plays, sport events, etc.
we learn that sometimes mothers purposedly jump queue and grab whatever it is in front of them for their children. their children come first, no matter what.
we learn that school teaches us to not litter, but litter we do and no body would punish us.
we learn to pay not the school fee but the 'voluntary donation' to school in order for our children to get enrolled
we learn to conform to the uniform, the color or our shoes, the length of our socks, etc etc. to be different is not desirable.

we learn that religion is something people wear. it's an identity they put up. it's not something personal and intimate.

we learn that in this country, it's better to use agents to process some government-related documents coz doing it yourself would just be a lost of more time, energy, and yes - money, too
we learn so much that those in tivi are not to be trusted, yet they are what we are supposedly elect as our representatives
we learn to see all politicians as bullshitters

we learn everywhere that money, and those who have them, would almost always win
we learn in this beloved contry, poverty is a curse

now try and unlearn those things.
good luck!

Tuesday, December 13

pilihan, or the lack of it


sore hujan di sudirman, jakarta
galian gorong2 di ujung jalan setelah semanggi

pilihan apa yang tersisa?
- mobil pribadi dengan kemacetan luar biasa
- mobil kendaraan umum penuh, sesak, susah napas, bocor, becek, pengap, dan macet luar biasa
- ojeg dengan kemampuan menyelipnya, berbasah-basah sepanjang jalan
- taksi yang mendadak jadi barang langka, dan tetap macet luar biasa
- kereta, klo memang ada jalurnya, yang bisa mendadak ilang sinyal klo ujan
- jalan kaki, sedikit agak 'gebleg', tp perlahan namun pasti mendekati tujuan
- iseng di kantor menanti semuanya berlalu, dan itu bisa berarti 5 jam lagi
- iseng tidak di kantor menanti semuanya berlalu, dan itu bisa berarti isi dompet yang keluar entah berubah jadi apa

jakarta hujan di sore hari. masih untung bukan jumat.

Friday, December 9


something died some time ago, deep there inside me
a thing called 'passion', not for life, but for the love of something in life

like a broken china that would not be fully recovered
that's what i am today, me with a chip inside

maybe it's time to find new passion
and live to the fullest again

Thursday, December 1

it's MY life at the end

nampaknya sekarang ini, jadi apapun di dunia, ada 'manual'nya

how to be a good mom, loving parents, magnificent partner
how to be a friend in the office, how to be good co-worker
how to be happy, how to have a fulfilling live
how to be... bla bla bla....

not one told you to be YOU  to the best of your own interest and the best of your frame of mind
no one seems to tell you that first of all, you've got to be comfortable in being who and what you are

it's just too much for me, this wishing you be a good and jolly ol' person
and the last straw is the question: "what would you like to be remembered"?

so what if I decided to be remembered as a bad arse? or a bleeping lady?
someone dear to me once said: life is too short, why bother. yeah, why bother indeed?
other quote I like: why bother being nice? you don't know for sure if you're gonna make it to heaven. so enjoy! couldnt' agree more.

just too much pressure, trying to be 'them'.
i chose to be 'me'