Yesterday my computer shut down on its own, possibly because of a worm or virus. For several hours it was off limit to me, while the IT people (bless them) tried to fix things up and make sure whatever it was my comp was having wouldn't spread. I felt uprooted. My hands are so used to pushing the keys on the keyboards, my ears to the music played by the cd in the cd drive - non stop starting from 7.30 am, my eyes to the monitor displaying my works. It has so become part of my life here in the office that to not be able to touch it paralyses me.
It felt like part of my brain shut down, too. I was disoriented. What to do? The jealousy of seeing other people staring at their monitors and continue working....creating....or having fun with their e-mails. For several minutes I felt totally lost.
And then something crept in. YO! Life didn't end there. My WORKING life was suspended, for sure, but LIFE? Noooooo.....
I turned to my good ol' jot book that I call "Book of Thoughts" and started reading what I've put in there. Little things. Flights of thoughts, quotation, poems. And this is what I wrote yesterday:
when your computer is down
and electrical things go awry
you long for the comfort of
paper and pencil
BTW, the comp is on again when I was back from lunch. No harm found, it was safe and sound. Life is back to normal again, and I was again connected to this electrical world.
Have a nice day, dear friends. May the force be with you. And keep connected!
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