Wednesday, August 4


let me share something about pain
cause i know something about it
though 'tis not the ultimate
nor it is the most unbearable

let me share something about pain
of growing up as a woman
not about psychological pain
cause if it's about that
one cannot stop arguing

let me share something about
physical pain
of growing up a woman:

budding breasts
depicted in romantic ways
as petals of roses blooming
are just as sensitive to the touch:
they hurt

first sign of womanhood, the menstruation
may not hurt the first time
but sure causes lots of discomforts afterwards
if not downright pain
(mine used to hurt so much i had to sit down
or lie down, or else i would faint)

woman the sexual partner
it hurts the first time
when your hymen was still intact
and blood dripping when it's ripped
it hurts again when there's not enough lubrication
it hurts when you're not in the mood

the ultimate proof of motherhood - bearing child(ren)
giving birth requires tremendous strength
risky both to infant and mother
and though it's been done millions of years
it still kills sometimes
no matter the amount of sedative you have
knocking you out in the process
it still hurt afterward

woman as mammal, the nursing mother:
it hurts to nurse the first time
it hurts to nurse when you got cracked nipples
it hurts NOT to nurse when your breast are too full of milk

when the body stops being a woman
when the uterus no longer prepares itself to borne an infant
and hormone level dives
they say it hurts, too
(i have yet to experience that)

so that's my experience with pain
and let me face those who say
women are weak

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