Thursday, September 16

To choose or not to choose

My father, bless him and the Orde Baru education, once said over dinner that 'we must choose, or don't stay here in Indonesia. We must make our choice.' To him, chosing a presidential candidate on the election is an obligation, not a right.

With presidential election only 3 days to go, and with my favorite candidate already ousted in the previous round, I rather not choose. Well, to not choose is also a choice, isn't it? Besides, it's our RIGHT, and not using our right is a right in itself. Got it?

Anyway, how I am going to exercise my right is still open to aternatives: should I back out entirely and join the elite "golput", should I come to the election booth but the leave the paper blank or should I make a non-valid vote? Still 3 days to ponder.

Long Live Indonesia, with all its shortcomings. Hope whoever got the throne knows what to do to make this country worth living.


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