Wednesday, January 12


Something is wrong with this office.

These past days (or is it even weeks?), I found myself so sleepy all the time. The whole time. I've turned on 'beat' music, walked around, drew pictures, even seriously dip myself in works - nothing has helped.

And I am now already sleepy again. It's not yet 9 in the morning; 4pm is still gazillions seconds away. Gosh....

(I wish I was away in a plane to Bali, not for the meeting, but for dipping into the swimming pool and burn myself under the sun. Paint my nails, put temporary tattoo on my back, walk around with bikini top or backless sun dress, wearing sandals or even barefoot, play on the beach, look at coconut trees framing the sky, parasailing, go out to sea, stare at the sun setting down, stare at the sky with moon and stars, listen to the sound of the waves, feel the wind, feel the sand, let my mind goes blank.)

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