There are times when my emotions were like cocktail mixed in a wrong way
It tastes wrong, feels wrong, and gives me heart storm
All I need is a nice hug, warm and sincere, to make it go away
to calm the storm, stop the tears brewing,
so that what remains is only the still warmth
Thursday, February 24
Tuesday, February 22
Nice to see you
It's been more than two weeks since my last entry. Wonder why? I got to rest in the hospital for four days, followed by a week-long house arrest. There was some bleeding. Again. Want to know the problem? I got a condition called placenta previa, a condition when the placenta is located totally or partially on the birth canal. Uterus contraction may cause some bleeding. A rather heavy bump to my body could also cause bleeding.
Back to the office, to my battle station - well.... kinda lost my appetite to write for some time. This brain has been void of all office-related memory, and seeing my desk with all the papers was just temporarily mind boggling.
BTW, here I am. Just read my hubby's blog. Deep, as usual. While I got no idea at all what to write.
See you again, blog.
Back to the office, to my battle station - well.... kinda lost my appetite to write for some time. This brain has been void of all office-related memory, and seeing my desk with all the papers was just temporarily mind boggling.
BTW, here I am. Just read my hubby's blog. Deep, as usual. While I got no idea at all what to write.
See you again, blog.
Friday, February 4
My twins are in the right age to be enrolled into kindergarten (pre-school). They will be 4 this May. So today we went 'shopping' for pre-school. Expensive shopping, that one. Their registration alone cost Rp.100-thou apiece. Their entrance fee will be hovering around 4 to 5 mio per head (no discount for twins), and their tuition in the like of Rp. 200 thou per month.
Kids come with astronomical price tags nowadays, if you want to keep tab. First, the monthly check (and vitamins, and food, and mommy's new clothings) when they were still in their mommy's tummy. Then the bank-breaking fee for delivering them, especially if they have to be taken out with a cesarian. After that, their formulas, diapers, toys, food, etc. Then comes school years. Not to mention non-formal activities: going to the malls, picnics, eating out. And the health maintenance: vaccination doesn't come free.
But then again, you can't count the price on miracles.
Kids come with astronomical price tags nowadays, if you want to keep tab. First, the monthly check (and vitamins, and food, and mommy's new clothings) when they were still in their mommy's tummy. Then the bank-breaking fee for delivering them, especially if they have to be taken out with a cesarian. After that, their formulas, diapers, toys, food, etc. Then comes school years. Not to mention non-formal activities: going to the malls, picnics, eating out. And the health maintenance: vaccination doesn't come free.
But then again, you can't count the price on miracles.
Sex education
I just read article in Jakarta Post regarding sex education (Sex Education, Religious and Cultural Values - by A. Amirrachman).
It's a tricky subject, sex is. Know not enough, curiosity could lead into misinformation. Know enough, the knowledge may lead to "free" behavior.
My opinion is: Let them know. What they do about the knowledge is part of their learning to be responsible adult. Regarding morality, every body's opinion differs on this. It's truly personal, I guess. Just like religion. What's important is that whatever action they decide to take, they take it with full understanding of what's happening and what could happen.
My sex education started at home. Raised with 3 older brothers, I occasionally bumped into "accidental" knowledge. And my mom, bless her readings, bombarded me with books on the subject. Not misleading books, mind you, but books written by the right authority on the subjects (psychologist, sociologist, and the likes).
I know my body before I reached 12. I know the desire, the pleasure, even before that. While other girls were timid about their budding breasts and their first mini-set, I wasn't (though I hated being a girl at that time).
Our sexuality is a part of our being. It must not be denied or burried. It is to be embraced, loved, and understood.
It's a tricky subject, sex is. Know not enough, curiosity could lead into misinformation. Know enough, the knowledge may lead to "free" behavior.
My opinion is: Let them know. What they do about the knowledge is part of their learning to be responsible adult. Regarding morality, every body's opinion differs on this. It's truly personal, I guess. Just like religion. What's important is that whatever action they decide to take, they take it with full understanding of what's happening and what could happen.
My sex education started at home. Raised with 3 older brothers, I occasionally bumped into "accidental" knowledge. And my mom, bless her readings, bombarded me with books on the subject. Not misleading books, mind you, but books written by the right authority on the subjects (psychologist, sociologist, and the likes).
I know my body before I reached 12. I know the desire, the pleasure, even before that. While other girls were timid about their budding breasts and their first mini-set, I wasn't (though I hated being a girl at that time).
Our sexuality is a part of our being. It must not be denied or burried. It is to be embraced, loved, and understood.
Wednesday, February 2
Pregnancy tips (based on personal experience)
Some tips regarding pregnancy-related condition:
- use baby oil (Johnson&Johnson's classic is a favorite) to moisturize your tummy. It's a lot cheaper than the fancy anti-stretchmark cream and works just the same. But if you are exceptionally prone to marks on your skin, you may ask your dermatologist. Use the baby oil frequently during the day, especially if you work in air-con environment. And start using it as early as the third month into pregnancy.
- use baby oil also for your breasts. Makes them feel soft and silky.
- to clean you nipples, use a swab of cotton ball drenched in, again, baby oil.
- for achy feet and legs, rub cooling leg gel, or Counterpain cool, on them before bed.
- buy bras which are bigger than your usual size. Be proud of it (hehe). No need for specifically looking for maternity bra. Find ones that are not too constricting, mostly made of cotton, better without wiring (if you chose wired one, make sure the size is right and the wire doesn't dig into your breasts). Spare some time to try them on, do not rely on size only.
- pregnancy clothing now comes in lots of variation, so shop around. No need to limit yourself to the 'tent' dresses.
- eat sensibly. The usually good food will still be good food in pregnancy. Additional calcium, folic acid and iron (as well as other essential minerals) may be needed.
- have ginger drink to help ease up nausea and give you warmth
- have a loving, doting husband
- and last but not least: BE HAPPY!
Educated vs uneducated
Kalo kita bicara tentang orang 'terpelajar', hal pertama yang muncul biasanya adalah bahwa orang itu mengecap pendidikan - makan sekolahan. Orang yang makan sekolahan tentunya diharapkan lebih berbudaya daripada yang tidak, karena toh pendidikan gak cuma masalah otak tapi juga (seharusnya) masalah tingkah laku. Lebih luas dari itu, sebetulnya. Tapi okelah, ini dulu: orang berpendidikan seharusnya juga berperilaku berpendidikan.
Tapi kadang2 tidak begitu kejadiannya. Contoh sederhana saja, masalah membuang sampah. Dari kecil di TK, SD, dst, bolak-balik diajarkan di sekolah untuk membuang sampah di tempatnya. Dan tempat sampah yang benar adalah tempat sampah. Bukan kali, bukan sungai, bukan laut, bukan jalanan, bukan trotoar, bukan kendaraan umum. Nyatanya, baru kemarin aku lihat dua anak remaja besar, asumsikan saja mahasiswi dari perguruan tinggi swasta, yang bayar kuliahnya mahal. Dengan lugunya mereka membuang plastik bekas makan gorengan mereka ke trotoar.
Contoh lain, orang-orang cantik wangi cakep bersih di mall kelas atas, yang (oke, asumsi lagi) tentunya hidup dengan standar yang beda dengan orang2 lainnya. Tapi kok ya masih susah banget disuruh antre tenang2 di depan kasir?
Terus juga para pengendara mobil bagus kinclong keluaran baru yang bahkan terkadang CBU. Orang2 itu tentu banyak uangnya kan? Lha wong bisa beli mobil segitu harganya. Di pikiran polos saya, saya pikir orang2 kaya itu berpendidikan. Berbudaya. Gak selalu, ternyata. Mobil2 cakep itu kadang2 tingkah lakunya juga sama saja dengan bis kota, yang supirnya tentu berasal dari dunia yang amat berbeda dari orang2 itu. Kelakuan sama, bungkusnya aja yang beda.
Dan ini gongnya. POLISI.
Udah jelas2 mereka adalah pengemban / penegak hukum. Dan wajibnya mereka juga kan mendidik orang untuk taat peraturan, bersikap tertib, dll? Kenyataannya? Selain peraturan yang gonta-ganti tergantung entah apa (mood? kalender?), mereka sendiri juga gak bisa dijadikan contoh ketertiban.
Daftar 'dosa': naek motor tanpa helm. Motong jalan gak kasih sen dulu. Nerobos lampu merah - padahal gak pasang sirine atau tanda2 'genting' lainnya. Mengendarai mobil tanpa pake seatbelt.
Sudah dulu.
Tapi kadang2 tidak begitu kejadiannya. Contoh sederhana saja, masalah membuang sampah. Dari kecil di TK, SD, dst, bolak-balik diajarkan di sekolah untuk membuang sampah di tempatnya. Dan tempat sampah yang benar adalah tempat sampah. Bukan kali, bukan sungai, bukan laut, bukan jalanan, bukan trotoar, bukan kendaraan umum. Nyatanya, baru kemarin aku lihat dua anak remaja besar, asumsikan saja mahasiswi dari perguruan tinggi swasta, yang bayar kuliahnya mahal. Dengan lugunya mereka membuang plastik bekas makan gorengan mereka ke trotoar.
Contoh lain, orang-orang cantik wangi cakep bersih di mall kelas atas, yang (oke, asumsi lagi) tentunya hidup dengan standar yang beda dengan orang2 lainnya. Tapi kok ya masih susah banget disuruh antre tenang2 di depan kasir?
Terus juga para pengendara mobil bagus kinclong keluaran baru yang bahkan terkadang CBU. Orang2 itu tentu banyak uangnya kan? Lha wong bisa beli mobil segitu harganya. Di pikiran polos saya, saya pikir orang2 kaya itu berpendidikan. Berbudaya. Gak selalu, ternyata. Mobil2 cakep itu kadang2 tingkah lakunya juga sama saja dengan bis kota, yang supirnya tentu berasal dari dunia yang amat berbeda dari orang2 itu. Kelakuan sama, bungkusnya aja yang beda.
Dan ini gongnya. POLISI.
Udah jelas2 mereka adalah pengemban / penegak hukum. Dan wajibnya mereka juga kan mendidik orang untuk taat peraturan, bersikap tertib, dll? Kenyataannya? Selain peraturan yang gonta-ganti tergantung entah apa (mood? kalender?), mereka sendiri juga gak bisa dijadikan contoh ketertiban.
Daftar 'dosa': naek motor tanpa helm. Motong jalan gak kasih sen dulu. Nerobos lampu merah - padahal gak pasang sirine atau tanda2 'genting' lainnya. Mengendarai mobil tanpa pake seatbelt.
Sudah dulu.
Arsenal booo hooo hooo
Arsenal lost to MU 2-4. The fourth goal was, in my opinion, stupid. MU was a 10-man squad at that time.
They should invest on a clever goalie, that club.
They should invest on a clever goalie, that club.
Tuesday, February 1
The lady at lunch
There was this woman I saw when having lunch, who seemed to struggle with everything she did for at least the 10 minutes I saw her.
First, she apparently having difficulty punching her straw into the lid of Aqua gelas. The straw bent from repeated jammings, still she hadn't succeded in making a hole. She turned the straw upside down, again jamming it, to no avail. The struggle took about two whole minutes, I guess. I was itching to go to her table and come to her rescue. Finally, she succeeded. Phew!
Second, I watched her again as she tried to munch on his piece of martabak. She bit into the piece, tearing it into two, one hanging just on her lips, the other bigger piece barely secured in his right hand. The piece in her mouth almost fall out. Then she managed to put it into her mouth and started munching.
Third, she was tidying up her plates and what remained of her lunch. Her fork flew to the floor and she bent down to pick it up.
That's the final curtain, I hope. My lunch was over, and I couldn't watch her anymore. Hope she didn't get tripped on her way back to her office, or bump her head or something.
First, she apparently having difficulty punching her straw into the lid of Aqua gelas. The straw bent from repeated jammings, still she hadn't succeded in making a hole. She turned the straw upside down, again jamming it, to no avail. The struggle took about two whole minutes, I guess. I was itching to go to her table and come to her rescue. Finally, she succeeded. Phew!
Second, I watched her again as she tried to munch on his piece of martabak. She bit into the piece, tearing it into two, one hanging just on her lips, the other bigger piece barely secured in his right hand. The piece in her mouth almost fall out. Then she managed to put it into her mouth and started munching.
Third, she was tidying up her plates and what remained of her lunch. Her fork flew to the floor and she bent down to pick it up.
That's the final curtain, I hope. My lunch was over, and I couldn't watch her anymore. Hope she didn't get tripped on her way back to her office, or bump her head or something.
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