Tuesday, February 1

The lady at lunch

There was this woman I saw when having lunch, who seemed to struggle with everything she did for at least the 10 minutes I saw her.

First, she apparently having difficulty punching her straw into the lid of Aqua gelas. The straw bent from repeated jammings, still she hadn't succeded in making a hole. She turned the straw upside down, again jamming it, to no avail. The struggle took about two whole minutes, I guess. I was itching to go to her table and come to her rescue. Finally, she succeeded. Phew!

Second, I watched her again as she tried to munch on his piece of martabak. She bit into the piece, tearing it into two, one hanging just on her lips, the other bigger piece barely secured in his right hand. The piece in her mouth almost fall out. Then she managed to put it into her mouth and started munching.

Third, she was tidying up her plates and what remained of her lunch. Her fork flew to the floor and she bent down to pick it up.

That's the final curtain, I hope. My lunch was over, and I couldn't watch her anymore. Hope she didn't get tripped on her way back to her office, or bump her head or something.

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