Wednesday, November 10

My poor rich country

Indonesia has the most concentration of volcano, about 500 of them, in a chain that is called "the ring of fire". Those volcanoes could generate enough electrical power to light up every single home in the whole country. But this wealth of power is untapped because: there will be not enough "incentives" for the government to run it.

Geothermal power is a clean power, more agreeable to the Kyoto Protocol and probably could serve the earth better. But that I leave to the experts.

What struck me is the word incentives. Not enough incentives to the government (= people running the government). The project would mean long-term investment and no immediate return, so the government, changing every 5 years or less, is not interested in it. Because they cannot pocket anything from the project.

My country is blessed with all the richness nature could provide: more than 10.000 islands with mostly fertile soil, forrests, good climate, open seas, long coastal lines, mines, plantations, sunshines throughout the year. And yet, we are one of the poorest countries in the world. How come? Theory of economy I don't understand. What rings in my ears is that one word: incentives.

Corruption has crippled this rich nation. Of all the goodness that could be harvested for the people, all has to come through projects that generate enough incentives.

My poor rich country. Bless you and your people.

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