Monday, October 11


It was my target on Sunday to be as horizontal as possible. No going out to the shops, no cleaning or tidying up my disastrous room. Just lay back, lay on my stomach, lay on my side, minimum standing or walking around. Great plan.

It so happened that my Rania was not feeling well, so I cuddled up with her in the morning. Cuddling up done, I went to my book and started reading – on my stomach. Some exercise occurred when I had to supervise my girls having a bath, putting on their clothes, and eating their breakfast. Once they were peacefully watching teve and played among themselves, I read again. But not for long. You know how kids are, they have short attention span. Peaceful minutes were soon gone, and I told them: okay, you can play with Mommy, you can ride on my back, but just don’t ask me to shut my book.

Quite working, the plan. I didn’t go anywhere save the trip to my Mother-in-law’s home to pick up my eldest and to Gramedia to get those glitter glues. After that, another horizontal pose with Rania (tucking her to bed). Dinner, another reading session, and off I went to Slumberland.

That’s when things went ‘great’. My dear Rania, having too much sleep during the day, woke up in the middle of the night and started her battery of demands in interval of about every hour. First, a glass of water, which she demanded on top of her lung and right into my ear canal. Next, her big pillow. After that, a tap on her butt and back rub. That, followed by another glass of water, and those little itchy bumps I have to attend to.

Today, I must try to be as vertical as I can be. But gravity (and that barrage of my client’s needs) does have it toll. How I long to be horizontal again, with soft pillow under my head, closed curtain and soft light, and utter silence. No work, no kids, no one, but me and my sleepy head. Unconscious.

Keep on dreaming, baby.

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