Friday, April 13

whoa, warped time!

uh oh, my last posting was march 9.
that was like more than a month ago.
where have I been?
no where. just here. but no here either.

see how time flies without we noticing it? like USS Enterprise in warped speed.
i looked at my diary today. so many empty pages.

did I not do something? feel something? gain something? lose something?
so why the empty pages?
is this simply laziness to write, or daily live has lost its significance?

what happens to enjoy life to the fullest; carpe diem; life is too short, why bother?
what happens to those sparks in my mind that i used to have; those slivers of rainbow; those funny/weird/simple ideas that used to pops up?

or in this journey we call life, are we so used to warped speed that everything just goes by?
journey is not something that we enjoy in itself, and only the destination is important?

should not be like that.

i need to slow down and look at the scenery as they go pass my window again.
and to fill those pages.

not one day is trully empty.

live. love. laugh!

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