Wednesday, October 12

On writing

I read somewhere that writing is a form of therapy. By putting down your feeling you at least can face your problem and find a solution, eventually. That by doing so you let out steam off your body and mind. Perhaps it is.

But sometimes my writing seems to amplify my feeling instead of cooling it down. So when I am angry and I put it down, I get more and more angrier. And when I am hurt or sad, it affects me in a deeper way.

Problem is, I don't think I can stop writing. Even if it breaks my heart, even if I am writing in tears, and even when reading what I've written hurts me again and again.

I don't know if a therapy is supposed to work this way. It's different with sharing things with a living being, a close friend, for example. But friends sometimes give a reaction that I dont' want to have, that I don't want to deal with. In my writing, the only thing I deal with is my emotion. And perhaps your interpretation of it.

I will keep on writing (typing, to be exact). Happy, sad, remorseful, broken-hearted, elated, joyful, contemplating.... whatever. I feel alive when writing. It is me you read. It is me.

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