Tuesday, November 22

Being normal is just perfect

Have you ever considered that? That being normal is just PERFECT? That you don't have to be white, with long acquiline nose, have small sparkling-white teeth, black flowing tresses, slim and toned body. So what if you don't have any of those?

Look at your body, at what you have: two perfectly functioning arm and legs, nice head propped on a good neck, stomach that does whatever it is required to do. And take a good view of your face: two eyes along with accompanying eyebrows and lashes, nose that smells and filters the air you breathe, mouth and lips, teeth and tounge.

Who said that you have to have arched eyebrows? Who told you your lips are not plump enough, or red enough, or too thick, or not big enough? Who judged that your skin are too dark, not dewy enough, too pale, or lack of color?

Try to listen to your inner thought, and stop listening to those ads. Yes, there are people fortunate enough to be blessed with pyshical beauty beyond normal expectation. But those are the exception. You don't have to follow them. They are born that way. It's God who give them those gifts.

And it is also God-given, these perfectly functioning body we have.

When you think bad about yourself, think of those less fortunate than you are. And think, of how your life would be should you be robbed of one of your body parts.

Pot belly? So what!

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