Wednesday, February 2

Pregnancy tips (based on personal experience)

Some tips regarding pregnancy-related condition:
  • use baby oil (Johnson&Johnson's classic is a favorite) to moisturize your tummy. It's a lot cheaper than the fancy anti-stretchmark cream and works just the same. But if you are exceptionally prone to marks on your skin, you may ask your dermatologist. Use the baby oil frequently during the day, especially if you work in air-con environment. And start using it as early as the third month into pregnancy.
  • use baby oil also for your breasts. Makes them feel soft and silky.
  • to clean you nipples, use a swab of cotton ball drenched in, again, baby oil.
  • for achy feet and legs, rub cooling leg gel, or Counterpain cool, on them before bed.
  • buy bras which are bigger than your usual size. Be proud of it (hehe). No need for specifically looking for maternity bra. Find ones that are not too constricting, mostly made of cotton, better without wiring (if you chose wired one, make sure the size is right and the wire doesn't dig into your breasts). Spare some time to try them on, do not rely on size only.
  • pregnancy clothing now comes in lots of variation, so shop around. No need to limit yourself to the 'tent' dresses.
  • eat sensibly. The usually good food will still be good food in pregnancy. Additional calcium, folic acid and iron (as well as other essential minerals) may be needed.
  • have ginger drink to help ease up nausea and give you warmth
  • have a loving, doting husband
  • and last but not least: BE HAPPY!

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