Wednesday, January 26

A woman I am

Am gonna talk of what I feel of being a woman. I am proud and thankful to be one.

That one sentence took a long time to register in me. For years I hated to be a woman. I hated what society imposed on me. I refused the values attached to me as one. I never made myself beautiful. I never celebrated my womanhood. I cursed at the step that made me a woman: puberty and menstruation. I scoffed at those who put effort to their looks and parading their sensuality.

Then marriage came. Even if mine is based more on partership than on 'classic' model, the feeling that I am the feminine one cannot be escaped. I AM the feminine one. And that label comes with lots other revelations as well. Reproductively speaking, no matter how level you are in gender issue, a man is a man and woman a woman.

Then came pregnancy. I couldn't help marvel at the miracle of it. To have a living being growing inside, to feel it, to actually give it life..... my life was her life. My blood was her blood. The sound of my heart beating was what she heard. It was like an enlightment.

Being a woman is not just being a woman. It's a miracle in being. I dont' think I can put it correctly in words. There's a power within of being one. May I say divine? 'Course, that power comes with enormous responsibility. But I'll talk about that later.

At this moment in my life, I celebrate myself for what I am: a woman.

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