Friday, October 8

back to life

am back to life today, oh yeah! full of energy.... full of hopes..... full of dreams....hungry as ever.

just got back from my daughter's school, they were having this exhibition of the students' works. not bad. it's the good way of learning, i think, to create something in the process and not just reading the books.

btw, who am i to say? me, who spent the majority of my waking days reading (that - before marriage and kids). i am, well, at least i used to be someone who let life passed by. my window thru life is my books, my magazine, things i read, things i watched. that made me know that orca is the highest predator in the sea, and the most advanced, too. so what?

you know what? i am afraid of people (at least i used to). they have too many elements i have to deal with. too many elements mean too many things to think of, and too many things to think of means too much stress for me. so i forsake them and lived in a world of my own. where my rules and my values reign. no one to contest me.

am not that extreme anymore. people are nice, they too open windows to the world. am still lost sometimes at what the right thing to do or say. when in such situation, my rule of thumb is: just be myself. a bit nicer version of me, of course, for socialization's sake.

this is sapobi starting her morning at work with a smile, and hope to end it with even bigger smile.

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