Thursday, October 7 about food?

Wanna write but don't know what to write.

Hmm... okay, any topic, anyone? Any... topic?

Well, I am having nasi uduk with telor and tahu and kerupuk. My breakfast. Let's talk about food, then. And cooking.

I don't like cooking. I almost despise cooking. Cannot stand the feeling of all those raw materials in my hands. Eugh. My hubby likes cooking. He cooked for himself while he was in Malmoe, and enjoyed it. He cooked when he felt stress out. I would be stressed out to cook.

I do appreciate food, though, a lot. It is a work of art. Even simple dishes - cause for me to be able to create edible food is just beyond me (at least at this time). I like trying new food, as long as I know what's inside them. I am yet to go venture out to the 'exotic' and 'the gross', though. Like those fried bugs in Thailand, bats in Manado, snakes, and the likes. Normal ingredients like chicken, lamb, seafood, beef would do just fine. A bit picky about fish, and don't give me things that are not well done. Oh, sushi and sashimi would be exception. When the mood was right, I do enjoy them.

Ever tried tempura udon? Nice. They come in this enourmous bowl that looks more like a baskom than a bowl, the big and slippery noodle submerged in generous amount of sweetish broth. Accompanied by tempura (those two big deep-fried shrimps covered in flour) and also deep-fried veggies (usualy onion, ubi, buncis and sometimes carrot), tempura udon would definitely make my stomach full. No need to order drink, just finish up the broth. With a straw, if needed (no, this one is a joke). Oh, add a sprinkle of powdered chilly, and the dish hits perfect note.

Food, the necessity that has gone into an art of living.

Hail to you oh the world's cooks!

This is Sapobi starting her day of work.

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