Tuesday, October 26

To blog or not to blog

That is the question.
I have told myself to blog every workday. Weekend and holiday I cannot, because, dear friend, I blog from the office. The privilege of PC at my home with good connection is yet to be granted to me.

I blog for the sake of my mind coz I have lots of things going on in my mind, albeit small and trivial. Like this one. What the heck am I doing writing about blog in my blog?

Well, I am feeling rather not well. Seems like a cold has been at my heel since weekend. It hasn’t bitten me yet, but dizzy I am with sore throat today. And today, I got caught in this never ending meeting with confusing minutes to take and lots of topics that need sorted out. That, my friend, is my main job in a meeting, apart for actually doing what I’ve written.

Hopefully the afternoon would find me in better condition. And mood. It’s very me to be down both mentally and physically at the same time.


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